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How our business works

Ads help fund our products

Our mission to organize information and make it accessible and useful. It’s why we make our service free of charge to everyone.

Advertising is what makes it possible to offer our products and services to everyone. While we sell things, subscriptions, and tools for businesses, we make our money from advertising.

We make money selling ad space to businesses -- big and small -- in two key ways. First, businesses can reach potential customers by showing ads on a range of South Gate LIVE pages, Search results, Maps, email campaigns, and integrated services across the platform.

Second, businesses can buy ad space that we show on sites that partner with us or that we partner with, like social media and blogs.


Ultimately, we earn most of our money by showing ads alongside relevant results on


We don’t sell your personal information

We use your personal information to make our products more helpful to you. But we never sell your personal information to anyone and you can use many of our products without signing in or saving any personal information at all.

When we show ads, advertisers pay us either for the placement of an ad -- like a banner at the top of a web page.

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